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Friday, August 28, 2020

August 28, 2020

CAIIB 2020 Re-scheduled in December 2020

Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) has declared new examination schedule for CAIIB examination. This examination had been postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic. Now new schedule has been declared and timeline for the same is given below for our readers:

August 28, 2020

JAIIB 2020 Re-scheduled in November 2020

Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) has declared new examination schedule for JAIIB examination. This examination had been postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic. Now new schedule has been declared and timeline for the same is given below for our readers:

Thursday, August 27, 2020

August 27, 2020

Common Eligibility Test vs IBPS

Recently, National Recruitment Agency has been given approval to conduct Common Eligibility Test across India. This test will be conducted in place of IBPS common recruitment process for recruitment for the post of Probationary Officer, Clerk and Specialist Officer. This test will also replace Staff Selection Commission (SSC) test i.e. CGL/CHSL/JE/Misc and Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) test for some post.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

August 25, 2020

Direct Mutual Fund (डायरेक्ट म्यूचूअल फंड)

आज के समय में म्यूच्यूअल फंड कोई नया नाम नहीं है। हम सभी ने किसी ना किसी रूप में म्यूच्यूअल फंड का नाम सुना होगा और अधिकतर लोग इसके बारे में काफी कुछ जानते भी होंगे। आज की इस पोस्ट में हम म्यूचुअल फंड के बारे में  बहुत ही सरल भाषा में जानने का प्रयास करेंगे। 

Friday, August 21, 2020

August 21, 2020

IBA issued Letter for Meeting of Working Group of Officers on 24.08.2020

As already mentioned in my earlier post that IBA invited UFBU to submit the nomination for formation of Working Group to further discuss the distribution of 12.50% in payslip component. For detail please click here. Thereafter UFBU submitted its nomination for member of Working Group for Workmen and Officer. For detail click here

After that one meeting of Working Group for Workmen was scheduled by IBA on 20.08.2020. For detailed circular of this meeting please click here . Outcome of this meeting was not disclosed yet.

Now today IBA has issued one more letter and invited member of Working Group for Officer for a meeting to be held on 24.08.2020


Monday, August 17, 2020

August 17, 2020

IBA issued Letter for Meeting of Working Group for Workmen on 20.08.2020

As already mentioned in my earlier post that IBA invited UFBU to submit the nomination for formation of Working Group to further discuss the distribution of 12.50% in payslip component. For detail please click here.Thereafter UFBU submitted its nomination for member of Working Group for Workmen and Officer. For detail click here

Now IBA has invited member of Working Group for Workmen for a meeting to be held on 20.08.2020



August 17, 2020

UFBU Submitted Nomination for Working Group to IBA

On 13th August 2020, Indian Banks' Association (IBA) had issued one letter to United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU) regarding the formation of working group for further distribution of 12.50% load on payslip components. IBA had asked UFBU to nominate one representative each from 8 union/association in this regard. For full detail please click here.

In response to above letter issued by IBA, UFBU has nominated following members for further discussion related to 11th BPS.


Nomination for Working Group for Officers

AIBOC      :           Shri Soumya Datta

AIBOA      :           Shri S. Nagarajan

NOBO       :           Shri Viraj V. Tikkekar

INBOC      :           Shri Prem Kumar Makker



Nomination for Working Group for Workmen

AIBEA            :      Shri C.H. Venkatachalam

NCBE             :      Shri Sanjeev K. Bandlish

INBEF            :      Shri Subhash S. Sawant

NOBW            :      Shri Upendra Kumar


References: UFBU Letter No. 2020/09

Sunday, August 16, 2020

August 16, 2020

सेफ इंटरनेट बैंकिंग के 12 टिप्स

इंटरनेट बैंकिंग एक ऐसी सुविधा है जिसके माध्यम से ग्राहक अपने घर बैठे बैठे ही अपने खाते से संबंधित सभी बैंकिंग सुविधाओं का लाभ प्राप्त कर सकता है।  बैंक अपनी वेबसाईट के माध्यम से ग्राहकों को अपने खाते मे लेन देन की सुविधा प्रदान करते हैं। ग्राहक इस वेबसाईट को अपने कंप्युटर या लैपटॉप पर चला कर अपने बैंकिंग से जुड़े कार्य संपन कर सकते है। इस वेबसाईट को चलाने के लिए ग्राहकों को बाँकों द्वारा लॉगइन/यूजर आई डी तथा पासवर्ड उपलब्ध कराया जाता है। नोट बंदी के बाद से इंटरनेट बैंकिंग कि पहुँच घर घर तक हो गई है।

Thursday, August 13, 2020

August 13, 2020

IBA Letter to UFBU dated 13.08.2020 regarding formation of Working Group for 11th BPS finalization

IBA invited UFBU on 22.07.2020 for a meeting on 11th Bipartite Settlement. An MOU was signed by UFBU and IBA after reaching a common understanding. In this meeting UFBU accepted a meager 2.50% load on basic and settled the wage with 15% overall rise in payslip component. However this was far below the expectation of banker and we, the bankers still feeling cheated. Bankers have raised their disapproval regarding the MOU signed on 22.07.2020 under the leadership of Bank Employee's Federation of India (BEFI) and demanding IBA and Government to accept their legitimate demands of 5 days working week, merger of Special Pay with Basic pay as per court order, scrap of NPS, improvement in pension etc. 


But today, on 13th August 2020, IBA issued one letter to UFBU and proposed the formation of working group for further distributing the 12.50% of hike in payslip component. UFBU to nominate one representative each from 8 officer's/workmen union (except BEFI) in order to formulate the working group. 


Here it is worth mentioning that BEFI has not signed the above MOU on 22.07.2020. BEFI clearly opposed the MOU and put forth the legitimate demands of bankers which are not at all considered in the MOU. Later on some other Union and Association also opposed the MOU. Now IBA has clearly mentioned in his letter that BEFI representative will not be a part of working group. 


After this letter of IBA it looks like that Bankers legitimate demands are not yet considered or heared. Now rest of the Union/Associations who have already opposed the MOU will decide weather bankers will get a respectable wage revision in 11th BPS??  


Let us hope for the Best!!

 We reproduced the IBA letter dated 13.08.2020 regarding the formation of working group for the ready reference of our readers:




HR & Industrial Relations




August 13, 2020

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

August 11, 2020

Bank Cards - Credit, Debit and Prepaid Cards

There are many types of Bank Cards we have now a days like Debit Card, Credit Card, Prepaid Card, Gift Card, Traveler's Card etc. All these cards issued by banks are collectively called Plastic Money. We all are using these cards in one or more way in our day to day life. Be it a means to withdraw cash from our bank account, or booking railway, Airline or Movie tickets or Shopping, Fee payment, all these Bank Cards have changed our life in big way especially the way we shop. These Bank Cards may be of Visa, Master, Rupay, Discover, DinersClub, American Express etc.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

August 09, 2020

ESOP / ESPS Price vs Current Share Price of PSBs as on 09.08.2020

In Late 2018 and early 2019,many Public Sector Banks (PSBs) came up with their Employee Stock Ownership Plan and allotted the shares to their employees at a price as mentioned in the table. Current market price after 15-18 months as on 09.08.2020 is still below the allotment price.
  • Bank of Maharashtra is the best mover and provided a return of 12.43% to its employees
  • Indian Bank is the worst mover and it wiped out 70.12% of investment of its employees 
For comparative analysis of movement of share prices w.r.t. ESPS/ESOP prices as on 23.05.2020, please click here

Disclaimer: This post is for staff members who had invested in ESOP/ESPS of their Bank. This analysis represents the movement of share prices of PSBs w.r.t. their ESOP/ESPS price only and it does not, in any way, represent the strength, efficiency of any bank and its employees. Owner of also has investment in shares of above banks.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

August 04, 2020

IBPS Common Recruitment Process - X for Recruitment of PO/MT in PSBs (for 2021-22)

Today on 04.08.2020 IBPS has issued detailed advertisement for Common Recruitment Process- X for recruitment of Probationary Officer / Management Trainee in Public Sector Banks for the year 2021-22

Online Registration of Candidates will Start From : 05.08.2020 to 26.08.2020

Online Preliminary Examination will be conducted on : 03.10.2020, 10.10.2020 and 11.10.2020

Online Main Examination will be conducted on : 28.11.2020

Interview will be conducted in: January / February 2021

Provisional Allotment will be made in : April 2021

Detailed Vacancies:

For Complete Detailed Advertisement CLICK HERE


References: IBPS Website