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Sunday, August 9, 2020

BEFI Central Committe Meeting dated 08.08.2020 to discuss its stand on 11th BPS and Privatization/Merger of Banks, RRBs, Post Office

Bank employees federation of India conducted a Central Committee meeting on
08th of August 2020 on their stand w.r.t. 11th Bipartite Settlement MOU signed on 22nd July 2020. In this meeting, BEFI criticized the adamant attitude of Indian Banks' Association (IBA) in considering the legitimate demands of Banker during the BPS meeting dated 22.07.2020. Further in meeting, NPS, PLI, and meager 2.50 load on basic was collectively opposed. BEFI also discussed the privatization and merger news coming from front-line media houses on daily basis and strongly opposed the decision on government. Further is was decided to observe 09th August 2020 as "Save India Day" and 18th August as "Solidarity Day" agaist the anti people and anti national policies of government.  In addition to above BEFI also demanded the following:

1.     Stop Privatisation of Public Sector Undertakings
2.     Stop Privatisation of Public Sector Banks
3.     Stop Looting of public money through IBC Code
4.     Initiate criminal proceedings against Wilful Defaulters
5.     Recover Bad Debts from Corporate Borrowers
6.     Halt Merger move of RRBs with India Post
7.     Stop reduction in Rate of Interest on Deposits
8.     No Privatisation of Cooperative Banks
We have reproducced the text of the circular no.49 dated 08.08.2020 of Bank Employees Federation of India for the ready reference of our reader:

Circular No.49/2020                                                                               8th August 2020
To all Units, Affiliates, Office Bearers, CC & GC Members                             
Dear Comrade,                                                                                       
                                               Central Committee Meeting                 

A meeting of the Central Committee of our Federation was held yesterday in virtual mode. The meeting was presided over by Com. C J Nandakumar, President of our Federation.

At the outset, respectful homage was paid to Com. Shyamal Chakraborty, ex-MP, ex-Minister, Govt. of West Bengal, former Vice President of CITU and a leader of left and democratic movement; Com. MSN Rao, our ex-Vice President; Com Ashok Bandyopadhyay, leader of cooperative movement; other eminent personalities who have passed away.

Meeting mourned the deaths of bank employees as well as common people including physicians, nurses, health workers, police personnel who became victim of Covid-19 pandemic during the recent period. Meeting also mourned the deaths of people of different states due to devastating natural calamities.

The meeting discussed many important issues on which the CC members expressed their observations and gave valuable suggestions. The decisions taken on different issues are as under:-

MoU on 11th Bipartite Settlement:

The CC meeting wholeheartedly endorsed the decision of not signing the MoU on 22 July 2020. The meeting strongly criticized the adamant attitude of IBA depicted during the negotiation on 22nd July 2020. The meeting felt that loading of paltry 2.5% is quite inadequate and will not be beneficial for the existing employees as well as future retirees. The CC members expressed their dissatisfaction as sensitive issues like Merger of Special Allowance with BP; 5 day banking; updation/revision of pension were not discussed and did not find place in the MoU. The meeting did not accept IBA's denial of noting their in principle approval of enhancing Family Pension to 30% of last drawn BP without ceiling when the IBA Chairman himself announced this on 22 July during the negotiation. The CC members apprehended ill motives of IBA behind their declaration in regard to all other issues as settled.

The meeting endorsed the decision of opposing Performance Linked Incentive (PLI) as it will disturb uniformity achieved through industry level settlement and at the same time encourage the managements to ignore collective bargaining as evident recently during the pandemic in regard to leave matters and extending benefits to the employees differing from bank to bank.

The CC meeting reiterated its commitment to fight for discontinuation of National Pension System (NPS) in banking industry and bringing all employees/officers under defined pension scheme. The meeting though appreciated the decision of additional contribution by the banks in line with the Central Government but also expressed that immediate benefit of added contribution will be available only to the corporate fund managers.

The CC meeting decided to continue demanding Merger of Special Allowance with BP; 5 day banking; Updation/Revision of pension as per RBI pattern to be finalised within this settlement itself as also immediate approval for improvement of family pension. The meeting advised all our units and affiliates to unleash all out campaign among all sections of employees and officers against negative attitude of IBA and for improvement of MoU.

The CC members expressed that though BEFI did not sign the MoU but it should work for maintaining broad based unity within UFBU for the Interest of the banking industry and its stakeholders.

Privatisation Spree of the Govt. & Immediate Action Programme:

The CC members expressed deep concern over Govt’s announcement of massive privatization of the public sector enterprises. The media is frequently reporting about consideration of the Govt. for privatizing some of the public sector banks (PSBs) and diluting Govt. holding in PSBs. The meeting decided to oppose all such ill attempts of the Govt. by creating awareness among all sections of bank employees. It further decided to continue independent programme and also take initiative simultaneously for holding joint programme under the banner of UFBU and/or with other constituent/s of UFBU whoever will come forward for joint action against privatisation of PSBs.

The CC meeting decided to take initiative to observe “Save India Day" on 9th August 2020, Sunday and “Solidarity Day” on 18th August 2020, Tuesday (day of Strike in Coal Sector) at the call of National Platform of CTU and Independent Federations against anti-people anti-national policies of the Govt.

The meeting called upon all our units and affiliates to display our following demands through physical assembly in front of the branches/offices on 10th August 2020, Monday at convenient time following extant health protocols.

The meeting decided to oppose the proposal for merger of Regional Rural Banks (RRB) with India Post; as also recent moves of Govt. regarding control of the Cooperative Banks with ulterior motive of privatization.


Ø     Stop Privatisation of Public Sector Undertakings

Ø     Stop Privatisation of Public Sector Banks

Ø     Stop Looting of public money through IBC Code

Ø     Initiate criminal proceedings against Wilful Defaulters

Ø     Recover Bad Debts from Corporate Borrowers

Ø     Halt Merger move of RRBs with India Post

Ø     Stop reduction in Rate of Interest on Deposits

Ø     No Privatisation of Cooperative Banks

Post Mega Merger Situation

The CC meeting took note of the prevailing situation after mega merger effective from April 2020. It advised the affiliates in the restructured entities to work in a coordinated manner along with our affiliates in merged banks to redress the pending as well as new problems of the employees in general by taking up the same with the management jointly. Initiative should be taken for harmonization of best of benefits; to oppose any move for closure of branches and redundancy of the employees the meeting stressed. The meeting further advised the units to initiate the process for assimilation of the affiliates within the restructured entity at the earliest.


Consequent upon the Lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic, we could not publish our 50th issue of the series due in April 2020. In the prevailing situation publication of printed edition is not possible. The BEFI News Sub Committee has decided to publish Digital Edition of our journal during the month which will be a clibbed issue of 50th and 51st.
With greetings,
References: BEFI Circular

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