Friday, September 25, 2020
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Government Denied 5 Day Week
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Outcome of Working Group for Workmen Meeting dated 17.09.2020
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Bank of India Invites Application for 214 Posts in JMGS-I, MMGS-II, MMGS-III and SMGS-IV Scales

Bank of India, a Public Sector Bank, has invited application for 214 post in JMGS-I, MMGS-II, MMGS-III and SMGS-IV. Selection of candidates will be based on the performance of candidates in written exam and/or interview. We have pointed out bullet points and important link regarding these vacancies for our readers
Monday, September 14, 2020
Friday, September 11, 2020
Punjab National Bank invites application for 535 Sepecialist officers in MMGS-II and MMGS-III Scales

Punjab National Bank has invited application for the post of 535 Specialist Officers in MMGS-II and MMGS-III scales. Selection will be based on the performance of candidates in Online Test and/or Interview. We have pointed out the bullet points and important link regarding these vacancies for our readers:
Meeting of Working Group for Workmen scheduled on 17.09.2020
IBA has invited member of Working Group for Workmen for a meeting to be held on 17.09.2020
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Doorstep Banking (DSB) Launched by Public Sector Banks(PSBs): Everything you need to know

Department of Financial Services (DFS) has undertaken EASE (enhanced
access and service excellence) reform in 2018. Now as a part of EASE reform 2.0,
Finance Minister has launched Doorstep Banking (DSB) in order to provide the
convenient doorstep banking to the customers.
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
IBPS RRB IX Exam Call Letters are out for Group "A" - Officers (Scale-I)

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has issued Call letters for Common Recruitment Process (CRP)- IX for Regional Rural Bank (RRBs) prelim examination.
Application CRP-IX for RRBs was invited in July 2020. Click Here for details of vacancies.
Tentative dates for prelim examination for Group-"A"- Officer (Scale-1) are
- 12 September 2020 &
- 13 September 2020
Result of this prelim examination will be tentatively out in October.
Main Examination of Group-"A"- Officer (Scale-1) will be tentatively held on 18.10.2020
Call Letters can be downloaded from IBPS website. Direct link to download call letters are mentioned below. Details advertisement is also placed below for ready reference of our readers.
Last year (2019) State wise Cutoff for RRB PO Prelims:
State |
Cut Off Marks |
Andhra Pradesh |
58.50 |
Assam |
41.50 |
Bihar |
58.00 |
Chhattisgarh |
55.50 |
Gujarat |
43.50 |
Haryana |
64.50 |
Himachal Pradesh |
59.75 |
Jammu & Kashmir |
55.25 |
Jharkhand |
59.50 |
Karnataka |
46.25 |
Kerala |
61.00 |
Madhya Pradesh |
54.70 |
Maharashtra |
56.00 |
Punjab |
63.50 |
Odisha |
55.75 |
Rajasthan |
58.50 |
Tamil Nadu |
55.25 |
Telangana |
54.00 |
Uttar Pradesh |
58.75 |
Uttarakhand |
65 |
West Bengal |
55.25 |
Reference: IBPS Website